LXNAV Air Data Indicator (ADI)
Standalone digital airspeed and altitude indicator (ADI). Indicates airspeed, altitude and vertical speed with an integrated high precision digital pressure sensors (50 samples per second). The unit has standard dimension of 57 mm diameter (80mm optional). 3 Push Buttons are used to change QNH and to manage and setup the AirData Indicator. ADI supports customisation of the speed scale including Vne speed as function of altitude. Intuitive user interface also to set calibrated airspeed, temperature offset, vertical speed filters and many other adjustments. Realtime data is displayed on a QVGA 320×240 pixel 2.5-inch high brightness colour display. Choose between light and dark mode and different needle sizes. NON-Linear scale allows more precise speed readout at thermaling speeds. Never be caught off guard with full screen stall, over speed and altitude warnings. VNE indication is automatically adjusted based on your altitude. MicroSD Card. Ambient Light Sensor. Micro SD card for software update and for easy transfer of device settings. ALS for energy saving.